I (Thomas Peulen) am a PostDoc at the Cordes lab (TU-Dortmund) working on advanced spectroscopic method to unravel biomolecular mechanisms by Bayesian methods and integrative modelling focusing on time-resolved microscopy and spectroscopy data. Before joining the Cordes lab, I was PostDoc at the Heinze lab at the Rudolf Virchow Centre for integrative microscopy and a postdoctoral researcher UCSF at Prof. Andrej Šali laboratory and obtained a Ph.D. in Chemistry at Heinrich Heine University (Düsseldorf, Germany.
The goal are rigorous mechanistic insights into the structure and dynamics of macromolecular complexes ideally in living systems, with emphasis on how the interaction between proteins, DNA and carbohydrates determine their biologically relevant function.

In my research I use experimental, theoretical, and computational methods from molecular biophysics, statistical mechanics, stochastic modelling, molecular modelling and scientific and statistical computing to understand how molecules work.