“tttrlib: modular software for integrating fluorescence spectroscopy, imaging, and molecular modeling“, Bioinformatics (accepted), 2023, 12, e79565; Peulen, T.O.*#, Katherina Hemmen4,*, Annemarie Greife5, Benjamin M. Webb1,2,3, Suren Felekyan5, Andrej Sali1,2,3, Claus A. M. Seidel5, Hugo Sanabria6, Katrin G. Heinze4# (link, )

“DNA controls the dimerization of the human FoxP1 forkhead domain“, Bioinformatics (accepted), 2024 Cell Reports Physical Science 5 (3); Narendar Kolimi, Jake Ballard, Thomas Peulen, Rajen Goutam, Francis X Duffy, César A Ramírez-Sarmiento, Jorge Babul, Exequiel Medina, Hugo Sanabria, (link, )

“Integrative dynamic structural biology unveils conformers essential for the oligomerization of a large GTPase” eLife, 2023, 12, e79565; Peulen, T.O.*, Hengstenberg, C.S.*, Biehl, R., Dimura, M., Lorenz, C., Valeri, A., Ince, S., Vöpel, T., Faragó, B., Gohlke, H., Klare, J.P., Stadler, A., Seidel, C.A.M., Herrmann, C. (link, )

“Resolution of Maximum Entropy Method-Derived Posterior Conformational Ensembles of a Flexible System Probed by FRET and Molecular Dynamics Simulations” J. Chem. Theo. Comp., 2023, 19, 2389–2409; Jonas Dittrich, Milana Popara, Jakub Kubiak, Mykola Dimura, Bastian Schepers, Neha Verma, Birte Schmitz, Peter Dollinger, Filip Kovacic, Karl-Erich Jaeger, Claus A. M. Seidel*, Thomas-Otavio Peulen*, Holger Gohlke* (link, )

“Integration of software tools for integrative modeling of biomolecular systems.” J. Struct. Biol., 107841, 2022; M. Hancock*, T.O. Peulen, B. Webb, B. Poon, J.S. Fraser, P. Adams, A. Sali (link, )

“FRET-based dynamic structural biology: Challenges, perspectives and an appeal for open-science practices.” eLife; e60416, 2021; E. Lerner*, A. Barth, J. Hendrix, B. Ambrose, V. Birkedal, S.C. Blanchard, R. Börner, H.S. Chung, T. Cordes, T.D. Craggs, A.A. Deniz, J. Diao, J. Fei, R.L. Gonzalez, I.V. Gopich, T. Ha, C.A. Hanke, G. Haran, N.S. Hatzakis, S. Hohng, S.C. Hong, T. Hugel, A. Ingargiola, C. Joo, A.N. Kapanidis, H.D. Kim, T. Laurence, N.K. Lee, T.H. Lee, E.A. Lemke, E. Margeat, J. Michaelis, X. Michalet, S. Myong, D. Nettels, T.O. Peulen, E. Ploetz, Y. Razvag, N.C. Robb, B. Schuler, H. Soleimaninejad, C. Tang, R. Vafabakhsh, D.C. Lamb, C.A.M. Seidel, S. Weiss (link, )

“Automated and optimally FRET-assisted structural modeling.” Nat. Commun., 2020, 11; M. Dimura*, T.O. Peulen, H. Sanabria, D. Rodnin, K. Hemmen, C.A. Hanke, C.A.M. Seidel, H. Gohlke; Data analysis (link, )

“Resolving dynamics and function of transient states in single enzyme molecules.” Nat. Commun., 2020, 11; H. Sanabria*, D. Rodnin*, K. Hemmen*, T.O. Peulen, S. Felekyan, M.R. Fleissner, M. Dimura, F. Koberling, R. Kühnemuth, W. Hubbell, H. Gohlke, and C.A.M. Seidel; Analysis software development, data analysis
(link, )

“Combining Graphical and Analytical Methods with Molecular Simulations to Analyze Time-resolved FRET-measurements of Labeled Macromolecules Accurately“, Thomas-O. Peulen, Oleg Opanasyuk, Claus A.M. Seidel, 2017, Journal of Physical Chemistry B (link, )
“Quantitative FRET studies and integrative modeling unravel the structure and dynamics of biomolecular systems“, M. Dimura, T.-O. Peulen, C. A. Hanke, A. Prakash, H. Gohlke, and C. A. Seidel, 2016, Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 40, 163-185. (link, )

“Structural assemblies of the di-and oligomeric G-protein coupled receptor TGR5 in live cells: an MFIS-FRET and integrative modelling study“, Annemarie Greife, Suren Felekyan, Qijun Ma, Christoph GW Gertzen, Lina Spomer, Mykola Dimura, Thomas-O. Peulen, Christina Wöhler, Dieter Häussinger, Holger Gohlke, Verena Keitel, Claus AM Seidel, 2016, Scientific Reports, 6, 36792. (link, )
“Guanylate binding proteins, (GBPs) 1 directly attack T. gondii via supramolecular complexes“, E. Kravets, D. D., Q. Ma, T.-O. Peulen, S. Felekyan, R. Kühnemuth, S. Weidtkamp-Peters, C. Seidel, and K. Pfeffer, 2016, eLife, e11479.
(link, )

“Triphosphate induced dimerization of human guanylate binding protein 1 involves association of the C-terminal helices: A joint Double Electron-Electron Resonance and FRET study“, T. Vöpel, C. Hengstenberg, T.-O. Peulen, A. Y., C. Seidel, C. Herrmann, and J. Klare, 2014, Biochemistry, 53, 4590-4600. (link, )

“A toolkit and benchmark study for FRET-restrained high-precision structural modelling“, Stanislav Kalinin, Thomas-O. Peulen, Simon Sindbert, Paul J Rothwell, Sylvia Berger, Tobias Restle, Roger S Goody, Holger Gohlke, Claus AM Seidel, 2012, Nature Methods, 9, 1218. (link, )

“Struktur und Dynamik von Biomolekülen mit high precision-FRET“, TO Peulen, Claus AM Seidel, 2011, BIOspektrum 17 (7), 765-767. (link, )

“Diffusion of nanoparticles in a biofilm“, T.O. Peulen and K. J. Wilkinson, 2011,Environmental Science & Technology, 45, 3367-3373. (link, )